
A number of our brides are concerned about the weather. Here is an email I sent to a bride yesterday:

"I honestly can't think of a safer place for our wedding gowns than where they are right now. While the basement of my home floods frequently, we have never had basement flooding in the 20 years we've been in our Old Town space, even when Old Town streets have flooded in the past. The streets that flood in Old Town are closer to the waterfront and we are lucky to be on high enough ground, far enough away from the water that we have never had an issue. And even IF our basement were to get a little damp, the plastic bags the gowns are stored in will also protect your gown. Since our Alterations are in the basement, your gown would also be protected from the elements even if the windows of our store were to break (again, NOT likely at all!!!). Fingers crossed that we stay as lucky as we have been in the past, but I honestly don't know what else we could do! I hope that provides some comfort for you. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

All the best,

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